
Measuring instrument for malt friability

Quick and easy evaluation of the brewing value of malt for breweries and malthouses

  • Uncomplicated mechanical analysis
  • Practical brewing value statement
  • Simplification of the malt analysis
  • Robust and solid construction
  • Internationally recognized method (IM)

Usage area

Brewers need high-quality malt for producing beer. The brewing value of the malt can be determined quickly and easily in practice using the Friabilimeter. In the malthouse, the Friabilimeter makes it possible to monitor the quality of the malt immediately after drying. Irregularities during the malting procedure are detected and corrected. The brewery can determine the quality of the malt upon delivery and then adjust the malt mixtures so that they are consistent.


A malt sample (50 g) is mechanically separated into its hard and crumbly constituents. The grains are pressed against a rotating sieve drum for 8 minutes by a roller with constant spring pressure. The crumbly parts fall through the wire braiding. Glassy grains and hard broken parts remain in the sieve drum. As far as the hard malt components are concerned, a distinction is made between partial hyaline and whole hyaline. The individual fractions are weighed and converted to a percentage. The percentage values are a constituent of the malt specification between breweries and malthouses.
Excessive glassiness has a detrimental effect during the mashing and lautering process. Deficiencies occur in the brewing process in wort clarification, fermentation, maturing and filtration, whereby climate and variety-related influences can occur.


OI Friabilimeter R9 en

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